
Event Awareness and Registrations

Sector: Clinical and Non-Clinical

Our service network is highly effective at raising awareness of meetings and events and provides relevant NHS staff with simple and efficient access to online registration portals. Our NHS population value the opportunity to connect & engage with their peers and learn from key opinion leaders and experts.

Meetings and event content spans a broad spectrum of topics and objectives, including clinical data and research, medical education, academic and personal development, health and wellbeing, charities, technology, environmental and social consciousness.

NHS staff are offered access to a wide range of both in-person and virtual events that include:

  • Webinars
  • Conferences and symposia
  • National and regional meetings
  • Short course masterclasses
  • Award galas
  • National and local NHS events
  • Open days

In addition, our service is often used to provide on-demand, post-event content to NHS stakeholders via podcasts, audio recordings and video highlights – a great way for event organisers to add value as relevant NHS staff can enjoy the benefits of event content even if they could not attend the live session.

One CPD accredited webinar provided NHS staff with the opportunity to learn more about diversity and equality from a panel of NHS experts, and to share their own experiences. Event information was distributed to NHS staff via multiple digital channels, targeted emails and social media but nearly 90% of delegate registrations were secured by Fendix.

In the last 12 months Fendix meeting and event services have achieved over 20,000 registrations from NHS staff.


Diversity and Equality Webinar

Delegate Registrations

Delegate Registrations
Fendix vs Other Channels

More Case Studies

Longitudinal Engagement
with HCPs

Early Diagnosis of
Motor Neurone Disease

Pandemic and Cost of
Living Support

Celebrating & Honouring Administration Staff

Our NHS Partners include: